This last week I have been on some great rides. I started out with the most painful single speed ride yet. Sean and I knocked out 30 miles in Auburn with 4000 ft. of gain on Manzanita, Forrest hill divide, Tunnel, Confluence, and Stagecoach trails. I could barely stand up when we got back to the truck. It did make me feel better when I found out that Sean was hurting for a couple days as well.
Tuesday I tackled CHS up in Cold Springs before work. I did this trail the week before and it only took three hours, but this time we had snow. I drug Bobby and Nathan along for what turned out to be a lot of fun. We had to push a lot because riding up hill in snow is kind of like riding up a sand dune. We were pleasantly surprised coming back down when the traction was actually perfect. Two inches of snow on top of frozen dirt makes for some killer speed. Who knew?
Today I decided to get even with Sean for the suffer fest in Auburn with some of my own nastiness. We started with a grueling climb up to the rockiest trail I know of (The N*GG*R Head trail) or Pin Ball if your sensitive. After that bit of stress we hit up trail 20. I think Sean and Nathan (pore sucker answered my text) were still having fun at that point. We had a relaxing bit of recovery on the rail road grade before a killer descent to the river on some home made trail that unfortunately requires 30min of pushing to get out of. There was some name calling and more than a couple F bombs thrown my way. After a couple free beers I think they quit hating me.