Apparently the mega suffer road loop that that I have been using is not so friendly for the Cyclocross bikes. I'm glad I know this now because I wanted a CX bike really bad for just this sort of loop. I thought Sean would have a huge advantage with his Felt F3. At the bottom of this hill that I had to wait for him to walk down and I started to realize disk brakes and suspension are pretty cool. I have never had to wait for Sean as much as I did today. Of course he killed me on the climbs, but I'm pretty used to that. We had a great ride over Mt. Elizabeth to Big Hill to Columbia and back Italian Bar rd. I have found a couple trails to spice things up on the way. I think the weather brought out everybody. I have never waved to so many people on this loop before. Usually I might see one or two in Six hours, today lost track. We also finished faster than ever before, sub 6 hrs. not bad for 6000ft of gain in 43 miles.
159 Days until The Cascade 100 mile!!