I took the family up to Herring creak to do some Father's Day camping and riding. Gage and Ashton are checking out the "Gargoyles".
Ashton's first run down Snakedance
Wouldn't be Father's day without Father Time. You like Biff's custom camo helmet and matching shorts.
Ashton loves his Kona, it has made his confidence level soar.
Jeanie got to ride Snakedance for the first time as well. Everybody loved the trail. Thanks to our one man trail designer/builder/maintainer it was better than ever. Gage said it is his favorite trail so far.
We hiked the canoe down to the reservoir to paddle around for a while.
Small lake but worth the hike. Herring creek is always a good trip, close to home, good trails, cooler temps. I wish the keg of home brew would have made it home but it was fun while it lasted.