I heard a rumor that there was a mountain bike park at Lake McClure near Exchequer Dam. I thought if they put in trails they would be similar to the XC trails near New Malones. So I took the wife and kids with their XC bikes and headed out there.
The trails immediately informed me that they were cut a little more serious. Butt you can see on Ashton's face it's all fun.
The park is so new that we found ourselves following flags where trails will be.
Looks like a pretty serious jump to me.
The view from the top makes the climb totally worth it. Then the descent starts and it's all grins.
Jeanie would have been much happier if I let her bring her big bike, next time. The only compliant I have is the place is so new that we have to wait until it's complete to enjoy the 60 miles of single track they have planned. The guys running the park are looking for votes to win $100,000 from Bell helmets to further their trail construction. I am definitely giving them my vote. This place is the most aggressive trail system we have available in the lower elevation. Check out www.exchequerridersclub.wix.com and give them your vote too.